W3 Writer

HTML Special Characters

This document is excerpted from the HyperText Markup Language Specification 2.0 - Internet Draft of February 8, 1995. It has been edited and massaged for simplicity of use for the beginning HTML writer.
Numeric and Special Graphic Entities | ISO Latin 1 Character Entities | Numerical Character References

2.16.4 Character Entities

Two reasons for using a character entity:

  1. The keyboard does not provide a key for the character, such as on U.S. keyboards which do not provide European characters.
  2. The character may be interpreted as SGML coding, such as the ampersand (&), double quotes ("), the lesser (<) and greater (>) characters.

A character entity is represented in an HTML document as an SGML entity whose name is defined in the HTML DTD. The HTML DTD includes a character entity for each of the SGML markup characters and for each of the printing characters in the upper half of Latin-1, so that one may reference them by name if it is inconvenient to enter them directly:

  1. the ampersand (&),
  2. double quotes ("),
  3. lesser (<) and
  4. greater (>) characters

NOTE: To ensure that a string of characters is not interpreted as markup, represent all occurrences of <, >, and & by character or entity references.

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ISO Latin 1 Character Entities | Numerical Character References

2.17 Character Entity Sets

The following entity names are used in HTML, always prefixed by ampersand (&) and followed by a semicolon as shown. They represent particular graphic characters which have special meanings in places in the markup, or may not be part of the character set available to the writer.

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ISO Latin 1 Character Entities | Numerical Character References

2.17.1 Numeric and Special Graphic Entities

The following table lists each of the supported characters specified in the Numeric and Special Graphic entity set, along with its name, syntax for use, and description. This list is derived from ISO Standard 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN however HTML does not provide support for the entire entity set. Only the entities listed below are supported.


		<       lt	        <		Less than sign

		>       gt	        >		Greater than sign

		&       amp	        &		Ampersand

		"       quot	        "		Double quote sign

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ISO Latin 1 Character Entities | Numerical Character References

2.17.2 ISO Latin 1 Character Entities

The following table lists each of the characters specified in the Added Latin 1 entity set, along with its name, syntax for use, appearance (added by your truly) and description. This list is derived from ISO Standard 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN. HTML supports the entire entity set.

Aacute	&Aacute;	Á		Capital A, acute accent

Agrave	&Agrave;	À		Capital A, grave accent

Acirc	&Acirc;		Â		Capital A, circumflex accent

Atilde	&Atilde;	Ã		Capital A, tilde

Aring	&Aring;		Å		Capital A, ring

Auml	&Auml;		Ä		Capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark

AElig	&AElig;		Æ		Capital AE dipthong (ligature)

Ccedil	&Ccedil;	Ç		Capital C, cedilla

Eacute	&Eacute;	É		Capital E, acute accent

Egrave	&Egrave;	È		Capital E, grave accent

Ecirc	&Ecirc;		Ê		Capital E, circumflex accent

Euml	&Euml;		Ë		Capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark

Iacute	&Iacute;	Í		Capital I, acute accent

Igrave	&Igrave;	Ì		Capital I, grave accent

Icirc	&Icirc;		Î		Capital I, circumflex accent

Iuml	&Iuml;		Ï		Capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark

ETH	&ETH;		Ð		Capital Eth, Icelandic

Ntilde	&Ntilde;	Ñ		Capital N, tilde

Oacute	&Oacute;	Ó		Capital O, acute accent

Ograve	&Ograve;	Ò		Capital O, grave accent

Ocirc	&Ocirc;		Ô		Capital O, circumflex accent

Otilde	&Otilde;	Õ		Capital O, tilde

Ouml	&Ouml;		Ö		Capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark

Oslash	&Oslash;	Ø		Capital O, slash

Uacute	&Uacute;	Ú		Capital U, acute accent

Ugrave	&Ugrave;	Ù		Capital U, grave accent

Ucirc	&Ucirc;		Û		Capital U, circumflex accent

Uuml	&Uuml;		Ü		Capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark

Yacute	&Yacute;	Ý		Capital Y, acute accent

THORN	&THORN;		Þ		Capital THORN, Icelandic

szlig	&szlig;		ß		Small sharp s, German (sz ligature)

aacute	&aacute;	á		Small a, acute accent

agrave	&agrave;	à		Small a, grave accent

acirc	&acirc;		â		Small a, circumflex accent

atilde	&atilde;	ã		Small a, tilde

aring	&aring;		å		Small a, ring

auml	&auml;		ä		Small a, dieresis or umlaut mark

aelig	&aelig;		æ		Small ae dipthong (ligature)

ccedil	&ccedil;	ç		Small c, cedilla

eacute	&eacute;	é		Small e, acute accent

egrave	&egrave;	è		Small e, grave accent

ecirc	&ecirc;		ê		Small e, circumflex accent

euml	&euml;		ë		Small e, dieresis or umlaut mark

iacute	&iacute;	í		Small i, acute accent

igrave	&igrave;	ì		Small i, grave accent

icirc	&icirc;		î		Small i, circumflex accent

iuml	&iuml;		ï		Small i, dieresis or umlaut mark

eth	&eth;		ð		Small eth, Icelandic

ntilde	&ntilde;	ñ		Small n, tilde

oacute	&oacute;	ó		Small o, acute accent

ograve	&ograve;	ò		Small o, grave accent

ocirc	&ocirc;		ô		Small o, circumflex accent

otilde	&otilde;	õ		Small o, tilde

ouml	&ouml;		ö		Small o, dieresis or umlaut mark

oslash	&oslash;	ø		Small o, slash

uacute	&uacute;	ú		Small u, acute accent

ugrave	&ugrave;	ù		Small u, grave accent

ucirc	&ucirc;		û		Small u, circumflex accent

uuml	&uuml;		ü		Small u, dieresis or umlaut mark

yacute	&yacute;	ý		Small y, acute accent

thorn	&thorn;		þ		Small thorn, Icelandic

yuml	&yuml;		ÿ		Small y, dieresis or umlaut mark

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ISO Latin 1 Character Entities | Numerical Character References

2.17.3 Numerical Character References


&#32;	 		Space

&#33;	!		Exclamation mark

&#34;	"		Quotation mark

&#35;	#		Number sign

&#36;	$		Dollar sign

&#37;	%		Percent sign

&#38;	&		Ampersand

&#39;	'		Apostrophe

&#40;	(		Left parenthesis

&#41;	)		Right parenthesis

&#42;	*		Asterisk

&#43;	+		Plus sign

&#44;	,		Comma

&#45;	-		Hyphen

&#46;	.		Period (fullstop)

&#47;	/		Solidus (slash)

&#58;	:		Colon

&#59;	;		Semi-colon

&#60;	<		Less than

&#61;	=		Equals aign

&#62;	>		Greater than

&#63;	?		Question mark

&#64;	@		Commercial at

&#91;	[		Left square bracket

&#92;	\		Reverse solidus (backslash)

&#93;	]		Right square bracket

&#94;	^		Caret

&#95;	_		Horizontal bar

&#96;	`		Acute accent

&#123;	{		Left curly brace

&#124;	|		Vertical bar

&#125;	}		Right curly brace

&#126;	~		Tilde

&#161;	¡		Inverted exclamation

&#162;	¢		Cent sign

&#163;	£		Pound sterling

&#164;	¤		General currency sign

&#165;	¥		Yen sign

&#166;	¦		Broken vertical bar

&#167;	§		Section sign

&#168;	¨		Umlaut (dieresis)

&#169;	©		Copyright

&#170;	ª		Feminine ordinal

&#171;	«		Left angle quote, guillemotleft

&#172;	¬		Not sign

&#173;	­		Soft hyphen

&#174;	®		Registered trademark

&#175;	¯		Macron accent

&#176;	°		Degree sign

&#177;	±		Plus or minus

&#178;	²		Superscript two

&#179;	³		Superscript three

&#180;	´		Acute accent

&#181;	µ		Micro sign

&#182;	¶		Paragraph sign

&#183;	·		Middle dot

&#184;	¸		Cedilla

&#185;	¹		Superscript one

&#186;	º		Masculine ordinal

&#187;	»		Right angle quote, guillemotright

&#188;	¼		Fraction one-fourth

&#189;	½		Fraction one-half

&#190;	¾		Fraction three-fourths

&#191;	¿		Inverted question mark

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ISO Latin 1 Character Entities | Numerical Character References


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